
Friday, May 6, 2016

Testing...testing...is this thing on?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m finding starting a blog to be scary, intimidating, frustrating & about half a dozen other emotions I can’t, as yet, identify.  So, I’m gonna keep it simple – this is an art blog or a blog about art or mostly about art because I could find something utterly enthralling that I just have to share that’s not art related & throw it in here because, well, it is MY blog.  But for a start, it’s a blog about art – let’s go with that for the moment.

Getting this blog & my website up & running (coming soon!) has taken a huge chunk out of non-work time, but I’m still sneaking in time just about every day to work on my own art which is always mixed media.  I love mixed media because there are no rules (REALLY not a big fan of rules) & I can use whatever I want to create.  If I don’t have paint & glue on my hands most days of the week, I am not a happy camper.  Weird the things that make you happy, right?  Keep your expensive French perfumes, give me the smell of paint! 

My absolute favorite paints are the metallics & they’re just about the only ones I’ve been using over the last few months.

I love the depth & glimmer they add to my pieces.  I include in this category the powdered mica flakes which I generally mix with soft gloss gel & use as paint.  Just gorgeous!  Here’s a little brass owl I bought at a second-hand market – I added a nice patina to him & then rubbed in some copper mica flakes while the paint was still damp. 

Much better now!  I was going to send him to my best friend who lives too far away, but when I showed him to my mother, she liked him so much, I gave him to her instead.  Sorry Deb!

I'm always interested in what other people use in their art & how they use it, so, please, drop me a line in the comments below.  Or tell me how you felt getting your blog up & running or designing your own website - tell me I'm not the only one who feels like she's floundering around here (lie to me - it's ok - I won't mind, this time).

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